It was in the stars...

If you have been a Facebook fan for a while you may remember this lovely piece...

The layers of paint. She started out at wood, then white, followed by yellow, then green, which was covered by cream and then back to white. I loved the story that it told so it had to stay. And those hinges. I remember the man working at the ReStore offering to knock them off for me. I gripped that cabinet door like it was my child and politely told him that the hinges were why I loved it so much.

And when I found this new "old" cabinet pull at Home Depot (love you Martha Stewart!) it was like icing on the cake. But she wasn't always this pretty. Here she is with her sibilings I got that day...

She was pretty dingy (be on the lookout for the tall one soon!) but when all work was finished I just knew she would be scooped up in a second. I took her out to my booth and checked at the end of every day to see if she sold. Secretly, I always was relieved that she didn't. So when the shop I was in closed and she was still there I was giddy. A few days later I admited to my husband that I was glad it didn't sell because I wanted it and he agreed. That was all it took...

The chalkboard has found a home! I always had big plans of what I would write on a chalkboard in my kitchen and this is all I could think of at the time! I blame the heat, it's sucking the life out of everyone right now.

Do you craft? Have you ever had one thing that you made and loved so much that you secretly wished no one would want it? It's ok, it just means you have passion for what you do. :)

On a side note: Do you have a blog or love a blog? Leave a comment below for me to check out. I noticed my sidebar is a little empty and would love to share that space with you! ♥

It's like a whole other country...

Have you seen that commercial for Texas? Texas, it's like a whole other country. Well, being an adopted Texan (Army brat marries true blooded Texan, therefore by default is a Texan) I can attest that it is true.

Where else can you drive a few hours in ANY direction and be in a total different surrounding without leaving the current state? The weather is different, the land is different and sometimes even the people are different.

But no matter where you go in Texas, you will see and/or hear this statement at some point...


Therapy...the word can scare some people but truth is we all need some type of therapy from time to time. This journey that I'm on with my business can get the best of me some days. Add the stress of kids home for summer break, a messy house, deadlines and an upcoming holiday, I'm pretty sure it would break some people. Don't get me wrong, I love this. I love the deadlines, I love my customers and I love the sometimes chaos that is my life and wouldn't trade any of it for the world. So the other day I found myself staring at this.

My half empty cup of coffee from that morning, used rags, empty paint bottles, a bunch of stuff. A little voice told me that if I sat down here I would go crazy and for once I listened. Cue the therapy...

But it gets better...

Me, my camo chair, the $40 dresser, paint and a bike using the back of the dresser as a parking spot hanging out in the hot garage with Pandora blasting from my iPod. Yes, I do live in Texas and yes it was HOT, but at that time it reminded me that I love what I do. Yes I was surrounded by junk still, but it was new junk. Finally getting that dresser painted in the middle of the chaos of orders was all the therapy I needed. That and knowing that my singing at the top of my lungs was probably causing people walking past to walk a little faster just so they didn't have to witness what was going on behind that door if it opened!

So my question to you is, what's your therapy??